Basanta Misra Education & Welfare

When we give cheerfully and accept gratefully, everyone is blessed.

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Notice for Extension of Machine Tender

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Mentum lectus id turpis suscipit, ut egestas magna volutpat. Donec a purus tellus. Nunc ut dolor eu est gravida auctor quis vitae sapien.

September 11, 2022

Sealed tenders under Double bid (Technical and Financial Bid) are invited from Manufacturers, Authorized distributors for supply of machineries and equipments having minimum three years of experiences in supply of agro and food-based industries prior to the date of issue of this tender notice for establishment of Common Facilities Centre of TELKOI MANGO, MAHUA AND TAMARIND CLUSTER on behalf of OMRUT TRUST (SPV).

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Fusce fermentum lectus id turpis suscipit, ut egestas magna volutpat. Donec a purus tellus. Nunc ut dolor eu est gravida auctor quis vitae.

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If you have questions about our events, don't hesitate to get in touch with us.

Mob: 7735118442
C-121, (HIG) Baramunda Housing Board Colony,

Copyright © Basanta Misra Education & Welfare